Welcome to the Francis Howell North Class of 2004 reunion website!
This website will provide you with all the necessary details for our 10 year reunion. Please feel free to upload photos from high school, create a profile and post to the message board. Contact us with any questions and we will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner.
Tickets for the reunion are $50 and can be purchased through the website only. Only FHN 2004 graduates are invited to attend. Each graduate can buy up to two tickets, bringing a friend, partner, significant other or spouse. Purchasing a ticket is your RSVP and will grant you and your guest access to the event. Please go to the "Event" section of this site to purchase tickets and get additional information.
We will be attempting to reach all classmates through Facebook, this website and word-of-mouth, as we don't have the funds in our class account to hire a third party agency to track down classmates. Therefore, we would greatly appreciate your help in directing people to the site and reaching out to any people we are having trouble contacting.
Finally, a reunion is also a time to reflect and remember those classmates who are no longer with us. Please send us photos and information of any classmates that have passed away and we will add them to the "In Memory" section.
We hope to see you all at the reunion! Again, please reach out with any questions and we will do our best to answer them. We hope this will be an evening filled with reconnecting and reminiscing. See you there!